Dental sensitivity can occur for a few reasons, but most of them deal with degraded enamel. This can occur due to bacterial attacks, too much acidic foods, or improper tooth-brushing. The following may help naturally relieve your sensitivity and help you confirm your sensitivity issue.
Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
You can try to rule out causes for sensitive teeth with the following:
- Examine your teeth thoroughly and look for holes. Holes or cavities can cause some sensitivity.
- Look for tartar, which looks like a yellow-like film. Tartar can house several bacterial colonies and can lead to things like tooth sensitivity or cavities.
- Pay attention to your teeth and look for cracks on the tooth or your fillings. These cracks can cause some sensitivity issues.
- Look for infections or abscesses, which can cause sensitivity problems.
Remember to talk to your oral care specialist if you suspect any of the above. All of these are dangerous to your oral health and must be dealt with immediately.
You may also be causing dental sensitivity because of some of the following:
- You may be using too many whitening products, which can strip your enamel.
- Pay attention to how harshly you brush your teeth or how often. The recommended amount of times is 2 times a day and only for 2 minutes. Talk to your oral care specialist if you are not sure about your routine.
- Are you clenching your teeth or grinding them? You might feel jaw pain or have headaches frequently. The bottom-surface of your teeth might look somewhat flattened. You can ask your dentist to take a closer look, too.
Dealing With Sensitivity Naturally
All you need to do is remineralize your teeth if your sensitivity is caused by a loss of enamel. Thankfully, your dentist and this guide can help you do just that.
Consider the following:
- Try switching to a softer toothbrush.
- Create a mixture of a quarter cup of water and ¼ a teaspoon of baking soda. Use this to rinse or brush your teeth. Baking soda has a balanced pH value that may help remineralize your teeth.
- Introduce foods with a high pH balance, as that helps your mouth's natural remineralization properties. This could be foods like alfalfa sprouts or raw water (water with a high pH balance that you can purchase in your local health food store).
- Chew food or sugarless gum more than usual. Constant chewing helps stimulate the salivary glands, and saliva contains several ingredients to remineralize your teeth.
- Introduce remineralization agents to your diet, like calcium or phosphate. This means things like dairy products or dark leafy greens. You can talk to your dentist about other natural agents that you can add to your diet.
Make sure you consult an oral care specialist like Milan Simanek, D.D.S. & Associates for any further tips.