It can be irritating having to constantly pick food out of molars after eating because there are big cavities in them. Food getting stuck in molar cavities is only a minor problem compared to what might happen if you don't get them repaired, which can be done with fillings and crowns. Below, discover how a dentist can go about repairing large molar cavities and how much treatment is estimated to cost. 

What Happens When a Dentist Treats Big Molar Cavities?

During your initial appointment for cavity treatment, the dentist will have to find out if there is an underlying condition that should be treated. For instance, you will have to get an x-ray in case bacteria got into the cavities and caused you to get an advanced form of gingivitis that is called periodontal disease. The x-ray will show if periodontal disease has led to you having weak jawbones. Your oral health will also be examined in case there are any dental abscesses present that must be treated.

If it is found that the molars are sitting in weak jawbones, the dentist may want to remove them instead of repairing the cavities. Simply filling the cavities may be a waste of time because it is possible that the teeth will fall out of the weak jawbones. You might have to get a root canal done as well before the cavities are filled, as the procedure is necessary when there are abscesses present. A root canal is done for the removal of dead pulp (nerves and blood vessels).

Other than filling the large cavities in your molars to close up the holes, the dentist may also want to put crowns on your teeth. Crowns are useful for large cavities because they can protect the enamel from cracking or breaking. Crowns basically help cavities that have been filled last longer.

What Does Cavity Fillings & Crowns Cost?

The price for getting molars filled depends on the type of fillings that you opt for. The most affordable filling is silver amalgam, which can cost as little as $50 or more per cavity filled. Expect to pay at least $500 or more for each crown that is placed on your teeth. Keep in mind that your dental insurance coverage and any additional work that is necessary will have an effect on what you are charged. Call and make a dentist appointment (from a local dentist, such as one from Image Dentistry) to get your annoying molar cavities treated!
