A corrective jaw operation can be an extremely intense procedure for any adult. However, for teens, this process can be even more nerve-wracking. In order to ensure that the procedure goes well, your dentist will give your teen braces. These braces are worn well ahead of the actual operation and help to ensure that the jaw alignment is corrected. While wearing braces, the brackets on the dental device can eventually loosen or even break. This is due to improper care and can have a negative impact on the timeline of the procedure. In order to avoid this, it is important to keep the brackets from breaking. Luckily, as a parent, there are a few tips that you can use to do this successfully.

Get Your Teen a Mouthguard for Sports

It is very unlikely that your teen will stop being active or participating in some of their favorite sports for months. Therefore, it is important to make sure that their mouth is protected during these events. This is even more important if they play high-impact sports. One collision, can crack their natural teeth and may even cause a bracket to break. Once it breaks, the entire dental device will loosen. A mouthguard creates a cushion between the braces and any external forces. In addition, you can look for mouthguards that are specially designed for people with braces. These guards provide additional support and protection.

Replace Their Thread Floss with a Water Flosser

Traditional floss is excellent for individuals who do not wear dental devices. The floss can reach their gum line without interference. However, when you wear a dental device, traditional floss actually works against the device. The thread pulls on the device and weakens it over time. Depending on the amount of force that you apply you may end up damaging your device. In order to ensure that your teen's gum line remains clean, you can replace their thread floss with a water flosser. The water flosser does not pull against anything and merely loosens hidden debris. This device works well to keep your teen's mouth clean without sacrificing the health of the device. Try to make sure that they hold the device along their gum line for a few minutes before moving on.

In order to have the most successful corrective jaw operation, your teen needs to work to preserve the health of their brackets. Therefore, use these tips to help them do this. For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like http://www.childrensdent.com.
