Keeping your toothbrush clean is integral to your oral health. However, going about it the wrong way can even complicate matters further. Below are some helpful tips for toothbrush hygiene.

No Sharing

Sharing toothbrushes spreads diseases. The human body, including the mouth, is full of germs, many of which are unique to each person's body. When you share a toothbrush with another person, you might expose your body to germs which your body is not used to. There is also a chance that the other person may be sick, even if they haven't exhibited the relevant symptoms. Sharing toothbrushes with a sick person can spread illnesses.

Proper Storage

Improper storage is one of the easiest ways to contaminate a toothbrush. Don't store your toothbrush in a closed area, such as a container or medicine cabinet because such areas are humid. Moisture encourages the growth of bacteria. Store the toothbrush in an area where it can easily dry off after use. You should also store multiple toothbrushes apart so that they don't touch and contaminate each other.

Proper Rinsing

Rinse your toothbrush properly, ideally under running water, each time you brush your teeth. A toothbrush offers mechanical cleaning of the teeth, and some of the gunk in your mouth (including food remains) remains on the toothbrush after use. If you don't rinse the toothbrush properly, the gunk will feed bacteria that will grow on the toothbrush and transfer to your mouth when you next brush.


The age-old wisdom is to replace the toothbrush about every three months. A three-month usage frays the bristles and makes them ineffective. This is good advice, but you need to replace your toothbrush sooner than that if you have been sick. Your toothbrush probably got contaminated with germs when you were sick. Replacing the toothbrush ensures you won't get sick again from the same germs.


You don't have to sanitize your toothbrush or give it the antibacterial cleaning. If you decide to do it, however, do it the right way. For example, soak the toothbrush for 15 minutes in mouthwash. Don't place the toothbrush in the dishwasher or microwave either. Lastly, don't soak multiple toothbrushes in the same cleaning solution.

Hopefully, your toothbrush won't complicate your oral health. You can ask a professional who provides dental services for further toothbrush and teeth brushing tips on your next dental consultation. If you do develop dental problems, consult your dentist as soon as possible. 
